Monday, November 14, 2011

Patterns of Fingerprints

There are three main fingerprint patterns: arches, loops and whorls.

Arches are found in about 5% of all fingerprints. The ridges travel across the fingertip without looping, only curling slightly.

About 60%-70% of fingerprints are loops. The ridges enters on either side of the fingertip, and loop, followed by more ridges to be surrounded by that loop.


25%-35% percent of fingerprints are whorls. In a whorl, some of the ridges make a turn through at least one circuit.



  1. You were very vague in your descriptions of the prints.

  2. Nice pictures, maybe just a little more information on what each print is.

  3. You might want to describe in more detail the types of each pattern. Like for arches there are tented and plain.
