Monday, December 5, 2011

5 Clues (Create a Profile)

In this lab each table was given five similar clues to establish a profile. Each table got one set of fingerprints, two hair or fiber samples, a torn note, and a liquid smudge on a piece of paper. We analyzed each sample and afterwards we compiled them based on how we did came about our observations.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Crime Scene (1)

Exhibit 1: A Torn Up Note
The note says "Please forgive me, I love you all." The loops made really long and thin on letters such as "l" and "f." It appears that pressure was applied to the writing because the writing appears to be much darker than standardly applied pressure. There are disconnects between upper-case letters and double "o's".
Possible Match: Lucas Moore

Exhibit 2: A Hair Sample

The hair sample was a goldish yellow color, transparent with one side of the strand darker than the other. Color treatment/dying has been ruled out.
Possible Match: Red Hair or Caucasian Hair.

Exhibit 3: A Fingerprint

The fingerprint was identified as a plain arch loop fingerprint.
Possible Match: Lucas Moore

Exhibit 4: A Possible Poison

The possible poison that was dried and rehydrated tested positive for crack-cocaine and negative for LSD.
Possible Match: Sandra O'Connor and Jet Trong

Exhibit 5/6: A Decaying Body w/Maggots

Maggots were found on a decaying body. This indicates that the body was going through the active decay stage. The skull had missing teeth, which may indicate extesnive drug use.

Exhibit 7: Two Footprints

The smaller of the two footprints is assumed to be a woman's footprint. The shoe consists of smaller designs, mainly squares. The larger of the two footprints is assumed to be a man's footprint. The footprint consists of longer, more narrow designs on the bottom consists of longer, more narrow designs.
Possible Match: Sandra O'Connor

Exhibit 8: A Fingerprint 

The fingerprint was identified as an ulnar loop.
Possible Match: Sandra O'Connor

Exhibit 9: A Fingerprint

The fingerprint was identified as a double loop fingerpint.
Possible Match: Jet Trong

Exhibit 10: A Fiber Sample

The fiber sample was identified as black and synthetic. It appears to be woven together similar to rope that was transparent on the edges. It was possibly color treated, with frayed ends.
Possible Match: Nylon or Color Treated Wool
*Note: Jet Trong wore a dark blue shirt with a black sweater.

Exhibit 11: A Syringe Needle

A cominated syringe needle possibly used to administer crack cocaine through the bloodstream.

Sandra O'Connor, Jet Trong and Lucas Moore decided to do crack cocaine just outside the wooded area. Sandra overdoses from the amount of cocaine she had, which moved Lucas to forge the suicide note "Please forgive me, I love you all." Lucas also had a reaction to the drug. Jet was overwhelmed by the situation walked away, which explains why there is one footstep walking to the scene and one away.

Poison Lab

In this lab we had to determine if the substances present were poisonous or not. We had different indicators depending on each poison. The different poisons were cyanide, household cleaning product, aspirin, sugar, iodine and metal poison. Afterwards we researched different poisons that could be found at the crime scene. Through this simulation we found out how important analyzing poisons are at crime scenes.

Footprint Experiment

For this experiment we had to simulate a footprint at a crime scene. Each footprint in my group was a Converse shoe. Mine was a foot long and 9 3/4 inches wide. My footprint had the name "Converse" on the bottom. The design consisted of squares and long rectangles. There was more pressure at the front of the shoe than at the bottom.

Witness Experiment

In this experiment, the class was asked to go through a series of magazines and find similar sized faces. We then cut out the different features of the faces, i.e. forehead, eyes, ears (if possible), nose, mouth, chin and placed them into one large pile. Afterwards, we arranged new faces using the various parts and tested our classmates if they could reconstruct the new faces we created. In doing so it tests' the student's ability to memorize and identify a suspect in a police lineup.

Lipstick Analysis

For this experiment we had to analyze our lips by kissing a sheet of paper with lipstick on. In doing so, we analyze the shape, ridges and other distinct features of our lips. For example, in examining my lips I found that they are/have:
  • For the most part healthy
  • Straight and full
  • A slight arch on the upper lip
  • A space formed which looks like a bird looking upward 
  • No significant deformities
Also we performed paper chromatography on the lipstick. We put a sample of lipstick on the chromatography paper, then placed the paper (proping it up against the inside of the beaker) inside the beaker. The water would dissolve, and move up the paper. When it reached the lipstick sample, it did not dissolve because the lipstick is non-polar.

Drug Testing

Determine whether unknown substances are Cocaine or LSD by using reagents.

Pour a sample and determine the pH with pH paper, using reagents and the colors they turn determine whether they are cocaine or LSD


Cocaine Reag. “blue”
LSD Reag.


Chemical Name: benzoylmethylecgonine
Chemical Formula: C17H21NO4
pH: 8
Biochemical Tests: chromatographic techniques can easily distinguish and separately measure each of these substances

Chemical Name: Lysergic acid diethylamide
Chemical Formula: C20H25N3O
pH: 4
Biochemical Tests: comparing the hallucinogen LSD with lisuride, a structurally similar drug that also acts on serotonin or 5HT2A receptors but is not hallucinogenic

Chemical Name: methylamphetamine
Chemical Formula: C10H15N 
pH: 12.8
Biochemical Tests: Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry and photoemission spectroscopy

We successfully differentiated which drugs tested positive for LSD and which ones tested positive for crack cocaine.