Sunday, December 4, 2011

Lipstick Analysis

For this experiment we had to analyze our lips by kissing a sheet of paper with lipstick on. In doing so, we analyze the shape, ridges and other distinct features of our lips. For example, in examining my lips I found that they are/have:
  • For the most part healthy
  • Straight and full
  • A slight arch on the upper lip
  • A space formed which looks like a bird looking upward 
  • No significant deformities
Also we performed paper chromatography on the lipstick. We put a sample of lipstick on the chromatography paper, then placed the paper (proping it up against the inside of the beaker) inside the beaker. The water would dissolve, and move up the paper. When it reached the lipstick sample, it did not dissolve because the lipstick is non-polar.


  1. Very good analysis and explanation. No grammatical errors

  2. Interesting how there are no flaws in your lips. The chromatography sounds pretty cool, our class didn't get to do that. But overall, good analysis.

  3. Maybe put up a picture of your lips verses internet lips but your analysis is good.
